Angel Lelga Biography:
Angel Lelga is one of the singer and actress better known for her personal case, compared to her achievements in the field of entertainment. Anggraeni Lely was born with the name, Angel has become a popular figure as a celebrity when accused of stealing jewelry belonging to a jewelry merchant.
Although no case has been proved, at the same time precisely the case with the king of dangdut Rhoma Irama surface. Angel jewelry allegedly used a stolen alleged as a result of dangdut singer who is approaching her when she starred Ibnu Sabil soap opera. Finally note that Angel was the wife who married in Rhoma Irama siri, and how long hose and then divorced in August 2005.
Angel Lelga has also been accused by a woman named Nur Aminah aka Ina, who claimed her husband, Haji Muhammad (HM) Rusli, had divorced him due to a 'temptation' Angel.
Beginning in 2007, Angel Lelga reportedly became the fifth wife of businessman Martapura coal origin, South Kalimantan, Abdul Rahman Widi or better known as Aman Jagau, who was none other than her husband also Cahyati dangdut singer's grandson.
Although it all happened in secret, the case was finally revealed and spread to the media, although until now the clarity marriage between Angel and Aman is still vague. Whether true or not is certainly a play of love Angel - Secured into the media spotlight for several weeks at the time.
Angel Lelga was then sued by the alleged fraud Jagau Safe money amounting to Rp150 million. Until September 2008, the case is still awaiting trial.
Once widowed, it seems many more bids on Angeliq flow. He is believed to be the main actor in the film and at the same implant pocong his music for soundtrack.
Cases of alleged fraud that could befall associated with the relationship safely Angeliq Jagau finally halted in mid-2009. This is due to the absence of sufficient evidence.
Remove Rhoma Irama, Angel Lelga now seems more comfortable with whites who allegedly originated from Australia. Though quite far adrift of age, ie 12 years older than she, but Angel is optimistic with this relationship.
Not only good at singing and acting, it also has a hobby Angeliq designing clothes. Armed with magazines from abroad, he designed himself some clothes he was wearing.
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Foto Hot Artis Angel Lelga Seksi

Full name : Angel Lelly Anggreyani
Nick name : Angeliq / Angel Lelga
Place/Date of Birth : Solo, 1 Januari 1983
Nationality: Indonesia
Zodiak : Capricorn
Dad's Name : Maikel Jonathan
Mum's Name : Juniarti
Educational Background :
Elementary School - Fajar Harapan
Junior School - Maranatha
Senior School - Maranatha
University - Bina Nusantara Sarjana Ekonomi (SE - 2005)
Angeliq or Angel Lelga is an artist and singer who is a model from Singapore before found by one of Indonesia's leading singers as opposed to playing in the film Ibnu Sabil.
Angeliq began her career in the entertainment world when she studied the model / mannequin at the John Robert Powers modeling agency and joined the Portfolio under the guidance of the famous Indonesian designer Adjie Notonegoro. Angeliq also has graced several famous magazines as well as an icon of beauty products in cosmetics and catalogs have become a model titled album covers Slank Virus.
Angeliq or Angel Lelga is a famous Indonesian actress, model, presenter and singer.
Angeliq at the Personal outdoor Session - enjoy the fab photos where she looks not only pretty but classy. Taken in a private studio in Jakarta, early 2009. Photos are courtesy of angeliqonline
Exclusive Angeliq Photo Concept 2009, Model : Angeliq, Wardrobe : Albert Yanuar, Make up : Nuke Galdira, Stylist : Wanda Santoso, Photographer : Edi Suyitno & agung wibowo, Concept : Creative One Studio, Made : October 2009
Since then, Angeliq’s career in modeling quickly evolved into Indonesian film and singing.
To develop her singing skills and acting skills, Angeliq first went to technical acting classes in Perth, Australia; secondly to help enhance her singing skills, she sought advice from a well known jazz singer Bertha who helped develop her singing talent.
Angeliq is currently working with Universal Studios and with a famous Indonesian songwriter, Bebi Romeo. This partnership has developed into her current album ‘Pertama”.
Foto Hot Artis Andi Soraya "Popular Magazine"
Andi Soraya Become a Promoter
Secretly, after serving her sentence in Rutan Pondok Bambu, Andi Soraya became promoter named Wayang Cinema. At the beginning of her action, she held a Miss Teen Indonesia, a reality show about beauty pageant with a direct license from Donald Trump and took Korean boy band 2AM as the theme song for this event.
"So Miss Teen program is license held Wayang Cinema, and our collaboration with Inspired label. We want to raise the Indonesian artists, especially teenagers to carry out our culture," she said when met at the Rolling Stone, Ampera, Jakarta.
Andi Soraya took Inspired reason is to be able to hold an international label and launch a local artist to explore the international scene.
"So we Trailers Inspired to be cooperation with international labels and artist management as well, so our artists can collaborate with artists outside. We will help them go international, Indonesian people will duet with them and maybe they sung songs or singers Indonesia on the contrary, "she explained.
Andi Soraya also deplore the many artists who want to go international but it is individualistic.
Regarding this new profession, Andi Soraya optimistic plans. Moreover, he wanted to bridge the artist's homeland that has good talent in order to more easily up the stairs to the international world.
"I am very optimistic. However, our artists have a talent that was not lost. But they may be satisfied stay here. Many Indonesian artists who want to go international but do not have links and do not know, therefore we want to bridge so they could appreciate," said Andi Soraya.
Foto Hot "Andi Soraya" Yellow Love
Life choices that she lived indeed strange to most people. Institution of marriage that never lived it obscures the meaning of the beauty of relationships. Bland, that's the right word to describe stories that forded Plow shipping. Hence, when the beauty of it comes again, she really wanted to drank. No need to hurry. Live first. To be sure, love the shade roof provides peace and tranquility in her life. She admits she still wants to make it happen. A marriage is really ripe.
Young & Married Virginitas
Passionate young age indeed. That's when Soraya decided to get married. Something that he chose to various considerations. Understandably, being born as an Arab-blooded family, customary rules and traditions that defined the family must be obeyed. Andi Soraya teenagers were not allowed to live a life as is appropriate adolescent age.
Daily activities and school just to go home. Always so from day to day. Adolescence is full of beauty, like a song sung by Chrisye in 'Gita Cinta From High School' was just wishful thinking. There was no beauty in adolescence Soraya. "How wonderful, to know men should not be alone," she recalled with a chuckle.
Her personality as a woman was robbed at the time. The desire to beautify themselves, by going to the hairdresser, for example, also may not. Even if she must marry one day, he must take parental choice. Of course he should also be mated with a male in his blood flowing, one ethnic group. "And I did not like it," she added.
Kind of life lasted until he finished high school. Soraya was later realizing his desire to have a boyfriend. Of course conducted clandestinely. Understandably, not one hundred percent freedom is given. Rules to curb perceived family still in force.
Maybe for having led since childhood, Soraya himself confessed positive rate rules. The first man who became her boyfriend, she was the first to touch it. Through-sanctioned wedlock, who admits his own request, Soraya was formally end the period of bachelor at the age of 21 years after undergoing clandestine relationship for four years. However, who would have thought, a period of four years, eventually running aground after two years.
"You could say as a side effect of the rules that apply to you?"
"This is not because parents yes, but more brothers to me. They always rein. I do not know why, maybe for the good of myself. We're a big family, 11 siblings. I lived with my sisters other mothers. The others live with my mom, I live with Daddy. I separated parents. So I'm the same father, same mother's brother and another sister. Eventually I became the youngest there.
Anywhere, not allowed, not allowed to have a boyfriend, just do not want to be beautiful, to the hairdresser is not allowed. So really be saved for the wife. Aw, is not important, ha ... ha ... ha
No Married & Satisfaction Heart
The roar of the planes that take off and landing at the International Airport Soekarno-Hatta airport, the faint burst into the Executive Suite Room, Sheraton Airport Hotel in Jakarta.
While the weather outside looks bright, as bright hearts Andi Soraya just change the costume into two at the photo session. Sexy little indeed, to show her smooth white skin.
As a sitcom actress, an admirer of Julia Roberts, Richard Gere, and Anthony Hopkins is so smart and keep caring for her body. Signs she had given birth to two children from her womb was not visible at all.
Her stomach was flat, the envy of most Indonesian girls who are in trouble with her shape. Of course it was thanks to the hard work and discipline yourself to maintain a balance in body shape. Therefore, women with a 166 cm tall and weighs 46 kg has started testing the role of the world before he decided to get married.
Foto Hot Artis Andi Soraya Paha Seksi dan Mulus part 2
Andi Soraya Biography :
In 2010, cases of abuse had ever done to a woman named Sri Sukesih in Kemang, South Jakarta area mid 2008 and then finally was decided by the Supreme Court (MA). Andi who continue to take legal action from the High Court until the Supreme Court also must receive a prison sentence of 3 months.
Earlier, during the trial in South Jakarta Religious Court, Andi gets jail sentence for three months. The verdict was much lower than the demands of the public prosecutor (prosecutor) Daulat Napitupulu for 10 months in jail. The defendant then appealed to the Jakarta High Court that ultimately decided three months in jail with six months probation.
Prosecutors are not satisfied with the results then filed an appeal to the Supreme Court who eventually won the South Jakarta District Court to carry out the original verdict of imprisonment for three months.
Andi Soraya was already three times absent from the official summons. Therefore, Andi will be executed by force. Various reasons had proposed to postpone this execution, including the presence of children who are still fosterage, also shooting FTV obligation which still must be done. In fact, Andi Soraya had complained this matter to the National Commission for Child Protection on behalf of the fate of her children during her detention.
Finally, on August 31, 2010, Andi Soraya Attorney executed by the three officers who accompanied the police, who came home in the area of Housing Andi Soraya Puri Cinere, Depok, Bogor, West Java. Before starting to execute, they also have asked for help to the local RT.
There is no coercion in the execution process, as Andi Soraya with resignation drove to the Attorney to sign the files before taken to the Rutan Pondok Bambu.
Andi Soraya own children will be cared for by Steve Emmanuel, the former lover who is also father of her children, as long as Andi behind bars.
In Rutan Pondok Bambu, Andi Soraya placed one cell with Jennifer Dunn, one of the artist who has been serving a sentence for 11 months.
During his detention period, which was represented by his attorney Aya always maintains a PK (judicial review) in order to clean the good name of Andi Soraya.
Foto Hot Artis Andi Soraya Paha Seksi dan Mulus part 1
Andi Soraya Biography :
Andi Soraya is a star model, ads and soap opera acting star was born in Jakarta, June 18, 1976. Started his career as a star of world models, before then penetrated in the advertising world and the role of art.
As a model, she has starred in advertising products Prenagen, B-29, Vegeta, Bank Mandiri and Hit. While the soap opera that starred in them Reincarnation, Last Tears, Eclipse and the Three Women aired on RCTI.
Andi Soraya is known as a lover of pesinetron Steve Emmanuel. Both are living the life 'cohabiting' and live in the same house. Relationship without the marriage bond is produced a son, Darren. Meanwhile, from previous marriage with Ahmad Kurnia Andi Wibawa, blessed with a son, Shawn.
Andi Soraya accused of throwing a glass at the wife of a businessman, Vishnu Wanto. These events occurred at nightclubs in the area of Kemang, Second Floor. The process of this trial has lasted for about 6 months, until hearing the reading of the verdict hearing was held.
While waiting for the completion of the case, Andi still doing his work as an actress as ever. The actress who had clashed with pedangdut sensational, Goddess Perssik it appears in the movie YOU SATISFIED MY lackluster.
August 2008, Andi again prove their work in the world of acting by re-playing on the big screen movie. This time Andi Soraya play in fillm mystery suspense, GHOST ABORTION.
Associated with cases of violence involving Andi, finally found clarity. On October 9, 2008, at the South Jakarta District Court, Andi Soraya charged with criminal penalties for 3 months.
Mid-February 2009, Andi Soraya again preached at odds with fellow artists. This time, she was at odds with the model, actress Catherine Wilson.
Although rumored to have split up, but the star Pocong implant (2009) is again seen near the former spouse of his life, Steve Immanuel in early June 2009.
Mau Donk Ahstar, seems to have ended the story of her love with Steve. In October 2009, appeared the photographs lovingly with a foregoing. Ferly Son, a young man who also has existed in the entertainment world, which was close by Andi Soraya at this time.
Andi Soraya returned to bold scenes in the movie. This time he lined up to star as the main actor in the adult horror film HANTU PUNCAK DATANG BULAN. In the film, Andie must have the courage to do hot scenes, including joint Ferly.
Foto Artis Hot Andi Soraya

Full Name: Andi Soraya
Nick Name: Andi Soraya
Nationality: Indonesia
Place / Date of birth: Jakarta, June 18, 1976
Sign: Gemini
Father's Name: Andi Zen
Mother's Name: Laela
Adegan hot Andi Soraya di film Hantu Puncak datang bulan.
This Indonesian Star actress Andi Soraya has it here but, as she confessed to himself, did not do much fun to turn off these erotic scenes for the ghost movie "Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan", because they love to present themselves not as erotically in front of cameras.
Andi Soraya said the website that it is not "would be nice to make up around free, and to present topless in front of the cameras for a movie still lie a striptease".
Andi Soraya, one in Indonesia and Malaysia very well known and famous young actress who plays in the new Indonesian horror movie "Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan" a woman who is murdered in her own home by her friend and as wicked revenge spirit returns, to take revenge on friends and other people.
These nude scenes in the upcoming horror film by Andi Soraya should, as it became known also very important for the story of the film be why the actress her first time before the cameras at the shooting took off.
Previously, Andi Soraya had never shown naked in a movie, but this time "it was simply her job" like they told.
Furthermore, her family was fully behind their nudity, which is why Andi Soraya dared even to turn these sexy striptease for "Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan".
Foto Hot Agnes Monica Biography
Agnes Monica Profile :
Name : Agnes Monica
or, Agnes Monica Muljotho
Date of Birth : Juli 1, 1986
Nick Name : Aggy, Agnes
Race : Mix, Indonesian-Chinese
Father : Ricky Muljotho
Mother : Jenny Siswono
Child to: 2 of 2 brothers
Zodiac: Cancer
Height: 165
Favorite colors: Blue, Yellow, Black.
Career : Singer, Actrees, Model & Business Woman
Education : Pelita Harapan University
Albums : "And the story Goes, Whaddup!!, and "Matahariku"
Agnes Monica Biography :
Indonesia should be proud for having one of the talented female artist whose real name is Agnes Monica Muljoto, better known as Agnes Monica public. Women who were born in Jakarta on July 1, 1986 is worthy of pride with all the talents, abilities and achievements are supported by the body semampainya with 165 cm tall and weighs 49 kg. Siswono and the couple's daughter Jenny has a hobby Ricky Suprapto ice skating and badminton on the sidelines dilakoninya busy as a singer, actress, commercials and presenters who practiced from an early age in 1990.
By launching her career, Agnes Monica decided to not continue his studies at the University of Pelita Harapan, Department of Justice to take leave at the end of 2006. This does not mean that learning achievement Agnes is not brilliant, with a GPA of 3.67 who successfully achieved in the last semester. In mid-2009, Agnes pursue graduate studies at OSU United States with Programs Distance Education Programs Political Science. In addition to a brilliant academic achievement, personal life Agnes is also no problem, apart from some gossip about her relationship with several Indonesian celebrities, such as Bams Samson, Afgan, and Rezky Aditya.
Name : Agnes Monica
or, Agnes Monica Muljotho
Date of Birth : Juli 1, 1986
Nick Name : Aggy, Agnes
Race : Mix, Indonesian-Chinese
Father : Ricky Muljotho
Mother : Jenny Siswono
Child to: 2 of 2 brothers
Zodiac: Cancer
Height: 165
Favorite colors: Blue, Yellow, Black.
Career : Singer, Actrees, Model & Business Woman
Education : Pelita Harapan University
Albums : "And the story Goes, Whaddup!!, and "Matahariku"
Agnes Monica Biography :
Indonesia should be proud for having one of the talented female artist whose real name is Agnes Monica Muljoto, better known as Agnes Monica public. Women who were born in Jakarta on July 1, 1986 is worthy of pride with all the talents, abilities and achievements are supported by the body semampainya with 165 cm tall and weighs 49 kg. Siswono and the couple's daughter Jenny has a hobby Ricky Suprapto ice skating and badminton on the sidelines dilakoninya busy as a singer, actress, commercials and presenters who practiced from an early age in 1990.
By launching her career, Agnes Monica decided to not continue his studies at the University of Pelita Harapan, Department of Justice to take leave at the end of 2006. This does not mean that learning achievement Agnes is not brilliant, with a GPA of 3.67 who successfully achieved in the last semester. In mid-2009, Agnes pursue graduate studies at OSU United States with Programs Distance Education Programs Political Science. In addition to a brilliant academic achievement, personal life Agnes is also no problem, apart from some gossip about her relationship with several Indonesian celebrities, such as Bams Samson, Afgan, and Rezky Aditya.
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